Person PR Materials

The following article was written as part of a set of public relations materials for a senior research administrator in higher education. In addition to this proposed article, the suite of materials included:

Meet Lynette Arias, Sponsored Research Administration Influencer

In her role as UW’s Assistant Vice Provost for Research Administration – Strategic Initiatives, Lynette Arias works to make rules, regulations, and recordkeeping easier for the research community, so that they can spend more time and resources on actual research and less on the unpleasant but necessary administrative requirements. To do this, she supports and advocates in the best interests of UW researchers, managing internal programs aimed at streamlining and enhancing research administration. Beyond the University of Washington environment, Arias plays a leadership role on the committees of the nation’s foremost sponsored research associations. Active participation in these associations allows her to collaborate with government agencies and other research institutions on UW’s behalf to track and influence emerging research policies and regulations.

People look to university researchers to solve problems and to make our lives better. The Federal government makes large investments in research in the natural and social sciences. That money comes with an array of administrative obligations and regulatory compliance requirements, which suck up the time of the researchers as well as a portion of the funding. “Researchers do so much good in the world – I love helping them by bringing people together to identify and solve the administrative challenges that are a part of federally-funded research programs,” says Arias. The efforts of sponsored research administrators ensure that the UW research community is a good steward of the taxpayer money.

Like many in the research administration field, Arias did not set out with that career goal. She majored in International Business Administration, earning her bachelor’s degree at Washington State University. Soon after graduating, Arias got a job as a Grants Administration Assistant at Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Her talents for organization and problem solving, along with the expertise she developed on the job and through national sponsored research associations, served her well. Over the years, that expertise set her on an upwards career trajectory. She rose through the ranks, from Post-Awards Specialist to Manager to Director. She held positions at the Oregon Health Sciences University and Columbia University. Arias joined the UW community in 2013.

Investment in research of all kinds has long been a US priority. Sponsored research administrators like Lynette Arias help ensure that as much of the funding as possible goes to research rather that to pay for the necessary administrative activities. The UW research community benefits from her deep expertise, extensive network, thought leadership, and influence among the greater sponsored research community.